28. The number that the mighty "W" is polling at these days. In his quiet moments I am sure that his mind must drift to Bubba's worst poll numbers (36% approval in 1993) and sigh. In fact Bill's lowest approval rating during his second term was 56%. Monica damaged the presidential image, but The Decider is destroying confidence in the office.
One. It's the loneliest number, isn't it? It's also the number of times that the name Bush was invoked by one of the ten presidential candidates at last Thursday's Republican debate - or whatever that rapid-fire 90 minute question barrage was.
Three. The number of candidates at the Republican debate raised their hand in response to the question: "Do you believe in evolution?" Congratulations Senator Brownback, Governor Huckabee, and Representative Tancredo, you may return to seats to the upright position, get up, walk to the local high school, and then sit through a year of biology and geology because you all lack the fundamental understanding of science. After than you may then join the rest of us at the grown up table. (or as Gary Schandling said on Real Time with Bill Maher "..and it was the three least evolved guys.")
UPDATE: See the devolution here via Crooks and Liars.