26 March 2009

Picture of the Day -- 24 March 2009

The signs of spring in downtown dc.

Picture of the Day -- 22 March 2009

Feeling the blossoms.

Picture of the Day -- 21 March 2009

Out on the bike for the first time this year. Still a bit nippy.

Picture of the Day -- 20 March 2009

First spring evening of the year.

Picture of the Day -- 19 March 2009


It's the Economy Stupid Wednesday

Or early on Thursday. Very busy, so I thought I would lighten the mood with this important economic travel announcement.

Prague's Franz Kafka International Named World's Most Alienating Airport

Barry found a very interesting money tree. Go look for yourself and behold the wonders of Citi.

18 March 2009

It's the Economy Stupid Wednesday

After listening to our fair Representatives orate, pontificate, and bloviate away a good bit of the afternoon, I have to agree with Eliot Spitzer. (Yes, he did have some mighty big personal failings, but the man scared the living shit out of Wall Street when he was the NY AG. On this, and high priced prostitutes, he knows what he is talking about.) The problem ain't the bonuses, they are mere peanuts compared to the what is going out the back door of AIG to other companies to prop them up. I am not sure how it was decided that AIG would be bailed out using Fed monies and not directly our collective tax dollars from TARP (this is a big and very important distinction), but it was, and as such the transparency of the dealings has always been a bit obscured and not aired publically in Congress. Now, I am not saying what the Fed did was shady, I am sure Chairman Bernake did it for a very valid reason. That said, I think a good deal of the confusion (and anger, both justified and unjustified) about the bonuses and how we collectively are sinking money into AIG.

Read Spitzer here.

See where large chunks of money are going. Fed money in the front door, AIG sends it out the back door to...


Picture of the Day -- 18 March 2009

The difference a day makes...


Picture of the Day -- 17 March 2009

Still not much like spring round here.


17 March 2009

Picture of the Day -- 16 March 2009

If it weren't for the rain making the verdant fields create a mysteriously low to the ground green aura, it would be a black, white, and gray looking world right now. The birds returning for the spring aren't really helping my mood when they sit in still leafless trees and look like this.


Picture of the Day -- 15 March 2009

The rain continued into Sunday. Despite the cold and rainy weather, there are small signs of spring.


Picture of the Day -- 14 March 2009

We don't pay for snow removal vehicles down here, we pay for salt, and lots of it. The rain later in the day will take this straight in to the Potomac. A brackish day near the storm sewer outlets.


16 March 2009

Pictures of the Day returning

As I am bearing down on dissertation deadlines like a brakeless tractor trailer headed down the side of a steep fjord and have some other changes in my personal life I will try to ramp up the Pictures of the Day so that I take (and hopefully post) a new one every day . Commentary will be down to a bear minimum, but if I find the time I will photos from this past winter that will be entitled "Reflections of Winter" as part of a larger photo montage entitled "Reflections of My Life." The idea occurred to me as I walked back from the local farmers market after a rain storm this past fall and took what became one of my favorite pictures I took early during my POD winter hiatus.


09 March 2009

It's the Economy Stupid Wednesday

A/V edition again.

Yeah, I thought this was funny, which means that it will probably come back to bite me on the ass at some point soon. (Note: I do not have any money in a Citibank or invested in their stock.)

Interesting analysis of how the f-ed journalism can learn something from Stewart's actions.

Cramer just before the feud with Jon Stewart and well on his way to being shown as the laughing stock he is. Maybe Chris Matthews was watching so he can stop inviting Cramer back until he finds his credibility again. Hey Chris, here's an idea, I am from the Philly are, can I go on your show? Who knows, my guess might be better. Apparently Cramer will be on The Daily Show this Thursday, so set your Tivos.

Bad, bad banks. What does it all mean. In fact, what the hell are they talking about? Why aren't they lending? This American Life clues you in again in a language you can understand.


04 March 2009

It's the Economy Stupid Wednesday

When life gives you lemons, ex-Countrywide executives serves you piss. Not that I would ever begrudge anyone to earn money legally, but there is some sort of ethical vacuum that these guys operate in. Seriously, if I did this I don't know that I would ever sleep again.

Soulless people in operating with little to no oversight in nearly unregulated markets, what could go wrong? Really? This is getting to the point of redefining absurd.

Go read, and try not to punch your computer screen or hit your head to hard on your desk. And one last thing, where are these stories while the bubbles are inflating? Why do we get them on the other side? That seems to be more the province of historians, not the press.


image: "LEMON ART" from Irene2727

02 March 2009

Picture of the Day -- 02 March 2009

Like the spring growth rising above a fresh snow fall, the pictures of the day are nearing return after their darkness induced hiatus.
