Today was the run-off election for president in Zimbabwe, and tomorrow the results will be released. Wonder who is going to win? And just in time to make a difference the African Union is holding a special session focusing on Zimbabwe on...wait for it...Monday. Not much they can do after the election since economic pressures really can't do anything because Zimbabwe's economy is already ruined, and it is too late to put peace keeping troops in place to make sure the election is fair and legitimate. Here's to failed states. I will try to find the reaction of Bush, Obama, and McCain, as well as Mandela and other notable heads of state concerning the election results tomorrow.

I watched and listened to majority of David Addington and John Yoo giving testimony on the Hill yesterday. Crazy stuff from, let's face it, people with crazy ideas about law and the U.S. Constitution. The best headline that I read is from Andrew Sullivan, who quotes from Dana Milbank's piece in the Post. Both are short and very much worth a read if you want a thumbnail sketch of how the Bush administration came up with legal justifications for torture and other seemingly mind numbing Executive branch legal dictates. Good quote from Addington's testimony here.

Oh and keep an eye on the goings on with the salmonella outbreak. With more people getting ill, the CDC ain't so sure it's the tomatoes that are doing it. LA Times has the latest on the story.
Sweet dreams.
images: Addington and Yoo by Melina Mara – The Washington Post; tomatoes from flickr Oz Baby
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