Beyond the creepy OJ-esk teevee reporting of the every movement of Biden this morning, I think the press has been pretty fair with their coverage thus far, with the exception of Fox News which I tried to watch to understand where the attacks might come from. It was comical and nonsensical, so not much new from that front.
I had written earlier about the dc bureau of the AP and how Ron Fournier, the new managing editor, was taking it in a dangerous new direction. Since that post it has been reported that Fournier was offered and deliberate taking a press job in the McCain campaign. (To the best of my knowledge he has never written about this and its potential conflicts of interests his "accountability journalism" at the AP.) Fourier it also turns out e-mailed Karl Rove in 2004 telling him to "keep up the fight," during the House investigation in to the death of Pat Tillman. He has since given a poor apology for this.
That leads up to today's piece by Fournier on Obama's choice of Biden, which is entitled "Analysis: Biden pick shows lack of confidence." It is not so much an article written by a reporter as it is a long op-ed rife with speculation and little fact. If this is "accountability journalism," then maybe Fox News should adopt this as their new slogan and hire Fournier. I really hope smaller newspapers around the country don't pick this story up and republish it.
PS. Note to Chris Matthews, you need to touch up your hair color again, or just stay gray.
image: "High Contrast Newspaper" from flickr GiantsFanatic
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