The crude, crass, and let's face it mean-spirited mocking of Obama for becoming a community organizer after graduating from Harvard Law School at the RNC was one of the more odious notes that was sounded at the divisive convention of personal destruction...er I should have written the RNC 2008.
Steve Bennen fires back here and here.
A Politico reader makes a fantastic point.
Joe Klein has thankfully awoken from his long slumber and throws down.
Tapper's on the case too.
Atrios has some video of a near instant reaction at the RNC on night two.
C&L doesn't care for this garbage either.
Howard Fineman chimes in via TMP, and he sounds like he's got an abundance of piss and vinegar.
Muflats from Alaska hits the nail on the head.
And finally, do you smell what Barak is cooking? (Note to Charlie Gibson: in Pennsylvania it is Lanc-aster, not Lan-caster. It is a major pet-peeve of mine, and we have been saying it that way for over 200 years thank you very much.)
image: "Community Organizer" from flickr p373
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