The don of Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevic got arrested this morning and released from jail this afternoon. Is he going to resign? Hell No! Is the going to get impeached? You betcha. Is he going to name Obama's successor? Who knows.
Here is what we know. He loves the word Fuck, avoids ethics at all costs, is arrogant as all get out, and amazingly enough pledged to rein in the excesses of campaign finance with soon-to-be-introduced reforms that would “rock the system in Springfield.”
Oh yeah, and he has balls of steel, which should serve him well in the BIG HOUSE.
I really don't think Obama has many connections to Blago. Why? When he announced in Springfield that he was running for Pres, no Blago on the stage. After he wrapped up the nomination and held a rally in Springfield, not Blago on stage. DNC where every Democrat seemed to speak, no Blago. The Grant Park rally after winning the presendency, no Blago. Maybe he was tipped off, or maybe he just knew Blago was dirty. Whichever it is we do know that he didn't ever owe Blago anything because Blago would have definitely called in his chips when Obama won. From what was published today it doesn't seem like Obama owes him a thing.
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