09 March 2009

It's the Economy Stupid Wednesday

A/V edition again.

Yeah, I thought this was funny, which means that it will probably come back to bite me on the ass at some point soon. (Note: I do not have any money in a Citibank or invested in their stock.)

Interesting analysis of how the f-ed journalism can learn something from Stewart's actions.

Cramer just before the feud with Jon Stewart and well on his way to being shown as the laughing stock he is. Maybe Chris Matthews was watching so he can stop inviting Cramer back until he finds his credibility again. Hey Chris, here's an idea, I am from the Philly are, can I go on your show? Who knows, my guess might be better. Apparently Cramer will be on The Daily Show this Thursday, so set your Tivos.

Bad, bad banks. What does it all mean. In fact, what the hell are they talking about? Why aren't they lending? This American Life clues you in again in a language you can understand.


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