Go see what is happening, since our impotent teevee and national media has decided that this isn't a big story. Perhaps if their was a nuclear weapon or terrorists it might. Fucking shameful. Below are some places to find close to real time information. I will take a break from my dissertating to update the links or any major developments.
Right now we are it seems they are in the throes of a military coup currently headed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards via the thuggish Basij.
The Daily Dish (Andrew Sullivan)
The Huffington Post (Nico Pitney)
Talking Points Memo
See also Reza Aslan at The Daily Beast.
The Lede, NYT
The Big Picture
*Yes, healthcare is a very important issue and one that I feel needs to be solved sooner rather than later. But the events in Iran could reshape the Middle East (and our relationship with it) for generations.
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