03 November 2008

One Day -- on Voting and Making it Count

Tomorrow be prepared for long lines, and be prepared to stay and have your vote counted. Also be prepared for any possible voter intimidation issues. Here are a few things to be ready for.

[Not sure if the YouTube poster got permission to post from Bill Moyers' Journal, so here is the link to the video on the show's site. Note to PBS, EMBED please.]

From the Campaigns:

[I would have posted a similar message from any of the other campaigns, but I could not find them or they don't exist. I will update if this page if they come out this afternoon.]

For your election polling place please visit www.canivote.org or call your local election board.

If you are planning on taking your camera to your polling place, please be aware of state and local laws. And if you shoot any good footage, please send it along to Video You Vote.


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