04 March 2010

Safety in schools is polarizing?

H.R. 4247, the Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act would seem like a no brainer for even the dysfunctional Congress currently in session. Sadly, no. Co-sponsored by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), co-chair of the House Republican Conference, who gave the above impassioned plea for her colleagues to vote with her, the bill narrowly passed. The final tally was: Yea 262, Nay 153, Not Voting 16. The breakdown is predictable. Democrats voted 238 to 8 for the bill, while Republicans voted 145 to 24 against the bill. Not sure what the underlying reason for voting no against this bill was, but it is symptomatic of something wrong on Capitol Hill at the moment when the safety of our children in school is a polarizing political matter. It could be worry about the Tea Bag movement. It could be the new spirit of No by the Republicans, which I am not sure does this country any good in the long term.

Anyway, here's to Rep. McMorris Rodgers for a job well done. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to this important issue.

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