10 July 2013

...and I come back from a long vacation to this?

Fuck yeah! Modern day Pinkertons! Let's hire thugs again to do the dirty work of tbuisness and state governments. I feel we are going backwards again... http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2013/07/rent_an_army.php?ref=fpblg

Jenny McCarthy is a danger to public health and safety. Seriously. Please remind ABC of this. http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/07/09/jenny_mccarthy_antivax_advocate_considered_for_co_host_on_abc_s_the_view.html?wpisrc=obnetwork

And finally,
If this is what a Republican paradise looks like at a state level then I for damn sure will never move there. Can Republicans please fight their strange inner urges and govern responsibily rather than look like children set free in a candy factory with no adult supervision or self-restraint?

And just a friendly reminder to the rest of America: It's a fucking hoagie! http://i.imgur.com/4z7UsRr.png

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