22 June 2008

Democracy in inaction

Glad our president is supporting democracy around the world. Tsvangirai announced today that he is out and Mugabe will completely destroy his country. I really think 29% support for Bush and his actions around the world is very generous, and because South Africa's years of inaction/tacit support, Mbeki is going to have nightmare on his hands very soon.

Update: Dubya decided that he shouldn't talk about Zimbabew on his weekly radio address. The White House did, however, have a statement delivered by Assistant Press Secretary Carlton Carroll – democracy on Sundays doesn't even rate the Press Secretary's attention I guess. Money quote:

"The government of Zimbabwe and its thugs must stop the violence now," said Carroll. "All parties should be able to participate in a legitimate election and not be subject to the intimidation and unlawful actions of the government, armed militias and so-called war veterans."

Powerful words indeed. Maybe that'll show Mugabe we mean business this time. Looks like the U.S. isn't even going to make a half-hearted attempt to stop Mugabe's "thug life" anytime soon. Behold the Bush Doctrine's spread of democracy around the world.

Later Update: Andrew Sullivan has some links to pictures from Mugabe's peaceful democracy. Do not even bother to look at the pictures if you are eating or have just eaten.


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