09 July 2008


On the floor of the Senate today a Senator was missing to cast a vote the Medicare bill. The final vote was 69-30 in favor of the bill. (It was a very important vote no matter whether you are for it or against it.)

Which senator was MIA? Obama? Nope, he was there. Ted Kennedy? No, he came back to a standing ovation to vote for the first time since his brain cancer surgery. A senator that no one has really heard of? Wrong again.

Drum roll please....

John McCain. Leading by example.


p.s. He and his campaign refused to answer questions about how he would have voted if he had been there. Looks like the new Rove hires are already spinning their magic.

p.s.s. According the the intrepid scorekeepers at the Post, the Medicare vote marked the 76th consecutive tally McCain has missed. Now that's change I can believe in.

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