18 July 2008

Why history is important

Oh my Bruce Bartlett, you can't be serious. In today's WSJ op-ed, Bartlett is trying once again to argue that the GOP is the party of civil rights.

Everyone knows this, but it’s worth repeating: the Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln and was established in 1854 to block the expansion of slavery. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery. […]

After the war, it was the Republican Party that rammed through the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution over Democratic opposition…. Historically speaking, the Republican Party has a far better record on race than the Democrats. Sen. McCain should not be shy about saying so."

If you need to ask what is stupendously wrong with this argument, please head directly to your local college/university and audit a US modern history course. As for me, I am going to go throw up and pray that we start teaching school children in this country the history of this country.


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