23 September 2008

No Soup for you

And it is a wonder why Detroit is falling so far behind...

If they come to Congress for a hand out, every Congressman should watch this interview. It it wasn't so depressingly bad it would have been hilarious.

And if you thought that the electric car was a novel idea, go out and rent Who Killed the Electric Car.

I bet the Chevy Volt is only mildly successful because Detroit can market well (the Volt is well behind its expected release date), and it will be difficult for people who don't own a house with an easily accessible electrical outlet (maybe even a special outlet) to plug their cars in. If you live in an apartment or condo you are SOL unless the buildings decide to retrofit. This is an ugly car for single family homes. I only hope that the reviews of how the car drives goes well for the company, but again it's a Detroit product so I am not holding my breath.


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